GAU Katha(Book)

Sr. No. Title Description Author Language Document
1 Gau Seva Training Manual This manual shows s more than 35 ways to serve our SOIL, PLANTS, GAUMATA, SELF and simple home remedies through PanchGavya. With 8 main points of making BHARAT - A Vishwa Guru, this manual teaches us the process in very simple and understanding way. Shankar Lal ji; Ajit Prasad Mahapatra ji; Raghavan ji Hindi
2 Aims & Objects of Goseva - 1 This book gives us direction of how BHARAT can become samrudh by Gaumata. Raghavan ji Hindi
3 Gau Mahima - 2 Shloks and its meaning taken from different Vedas have been noted in the book. Connecting the Gaumata and its Gavya with modern day science is the core of this book. RAghavan ji Hindi
4 1000 Gau Project This book shows us the Project Proposal for Establishment of Indigenous Gau Breeding Center at Dairy Milk Union Level Dr. P. R. Pande English
5 Romance of a Cow - Chapter 8 This Chapter of the book gives us a very interesting views of Gandhi ji on Gaumata. D H Jani English
6 Homeopathy in Veterinary A very handy book for Veterinary doctors on how to cure Bos Indicus. Goel Vet. Pharma Pvt. Ltd. English
7 Clinical Protocol Guideline Interdisciplinary AYUSH Research & Development Task Force of AYUSH Ministry has prepare this book for people who are interested in any type of Research and Development. AYUSH Ministry English
8 Indian zebu cattle a natural resource for A2 milk Indian Council of Agricultural Resources (ICAR) has published this book on A2 milk and its benefits M Sodhi, M Mukesh, BP Mishra, A Kishore, B Prakash, RS Kataria & BK Joshi (ICAR) English
9 गौशाला प्रबंधन पर मैनुअल (Gaushala Prabandhan - Manual) The manual gives us guidance on three groups of Gaushala i.e. 100, 500 & 1000 gaus in gaushala Indian Council of Agriculture Resources - (ICAR) Hindi
10 Why Indian Cows Only This book of 30 pages gives us the qualities of each breeds that are registered with government (not the latest registered number) Unknown English
11 श्रेष्ठ देशी गौ पंचगव्य अनुसंधान संस्थान संपूर्ण भारत के गौ-आधिरित खेती करने वाले सम्माननिय किसानों के सराहनिय कार्यों को सूचिबद्ध करने का एक प्रयास श्याम प्रकाश साहू Hindi
12 गौमाता पंचगव्य चिकित्सा गोबर, गौमूत्र आधारित दवाईयाँ बनाने की विधि एवं रोग निदान राजीव दीक्षित जी Hindi
13 आत्मनिर्भर भारत के आत्मनिर्भर खेती और आत्मनिर्भर किसान कपिल शाह Hindi
14 Manufacturing of Cow Dung Paint Research M.V.Ghamande, Omkar Nandangiri, Yash Bagul, Rhugwed Ponkshe, Vaishnavi Kale, Riya Bhatmule English
15 DEVIL IN THE MILK Illness, Health, and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk KEITH WOODFORD English
16 Indian Zebu Cattle: A Natural Resource for A2 Milk Milk M Sodhi, M Mukesh, BP Mishra, A Kishore, B Prakash, RS Kataria and BK Joshi English
17 ગૌ કૃષી ગ્રામ સંવર્ધન ગાય આધારીત ખેતી ગૌ આધારીત ખેતી લાલજીભાઈ કે સાવલીયા Gujarati
18 GAUSHALA GAUSHALA MANAGEMENT Dr. Sujoy Khanna Maneka Sanjay Gandhi Meenakshi Awasthi Hindi
19 पंचगव्य अनमोल वरदान डा० एस.पी. गुप्ता, शशि गुप्ता Hindi
20 गौ सेवा... राष्ट्र सेवा गौ सेवा... राष्ट्र सेवा डॉ. वल्लभभाई कथीरिया Hindi
24 Kamdhenu- Cows of India Rajni Sekhri Sibal English
25 Project Proposal for Establishment of Indigenous Animal Breeding Centre at Dairy Milk Union Level Project Proposal for Establishment of Indigenous Animal Breeding Centre at Dairy Milk Union Level Dr. P. R. Pande English
26 भूमि सुपोषण एवं संरक्षण हेतु राष्ट्र स्तरीय जन अभियान Hindi
27 भूमि उपचार कृषि भूमि का पुनर्जीवन.... संयुक्त उपक्रम प्राकृतिक खेती शोध संस्था, बालाघाट राह क्रॉप प्रोड्यूसर क. लिमि., कनई & "SOUL” Hindi
28 Romance of a Cow GANDHIJI'S VIEWS - Swaraj through Cow, Gandhiji's Cow cult, Gandhiji on Cattle Wealth, The Plight, The Right Way,Our Pinjrapols,Kind Cruelty,Dairies and Tanneries, Our Cattle Wealth,Village Tanning & Its Possibility English
29 Ethno Veterinary Medicine for Most Common Diseases of Cows Dr Balaram Sahu Hindi
30 STATE OF ORGANIC AND NATURAL FARMING IN INDIA CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES Research: Vineet Kumar, Research direction: Amit Khurana, Analysis and writing: Amit Khurana and Vineet Kumar, Editor: Archana Shankar Production: Rakesh Shrivastava and Gundhar Das English