VISITORS : 24342
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Gau E Library
1. Model Gaushala
2. Gaushala Management
3. Natural Farming (Bio Fertilizer, Bio Pesticides)
4. Bio Energy (Bio Gas, CNG, Electricity, Draught Power)
5. Gauchar Development
6. Disaster Management
7. Dairy Products
8. Breed Improvement
9. Gau Health & Nutrition
10. PanchGavya Production & Panchgavya Therapy
11. Co-operative Sector
12. Gaupreneurship Training, Skill Development
13. Women Entrepreneurship
14. Extension Activities
15. Gau Vigyan Exam
16. Cow Tourism
17. Religious and Spiritual
18. Gau Rakhsa – Cow Protection Laws – Legal
19. Research , Journals
20. Annual Reports of Organisation, Institutional